26 January 2013

The short and the tall

 Paul finally found people in Nepal who are taller than him.

Paul a enfin trouve quelqu'un de plus grand que lui au Nepal !

But there are a lot of people who aren't, including our electrician, Purna.
Mais il y a beaucoup d'autres personnes qui ne le sont pas, dont notre electricien, Purna.

25 January 2013


Washing done by hand! Jo says this is the most fulfilling part of the job after she's spent three hours on her knees washing and rinsing our clothes in a bucket.
La lessive a la main ! Jeanne trouve que d'etendre son linge est une belle recompense apres avoir passe 3h a laver et rincer les vetements dans un seau. 

24 January 2013

The wildlife of Nepal

Bats asleep
Des chauves-souris endormies

23 January 2013


 Trees in Kathmandu are being chopped down as the roads are widened. This has led to some creative campaigning involving paint and butterflies on living trees...
A Katmandou, les arbres sont abattus car les routes sont elargies. Cette situation a encourage des gens a se revolter et a mener une campagne creative en ecrivant a la peinture ou en mettant des papillons sur les arbres a sauver...  
 and dead ones too!
et sur les arbres morts aussi !

22 January 2013


Last week, Joanna's stomach was full of these
La semaine derniere, l'estomac de Jeanne etait rempli de ce petit parasite

 Its name is Giardia.
Son nom est Giardia

21 January 2013

At the brick factory

Close to the rehab where Paul hangs out there are lots of brick factories to keep up with the high demand for new houses in the area.
 Child labour is illegal but a 'few' souls slip through the net. We saw Dan Archer last night and he's writing comic strips to raise awareness of this situation and human trafficking as well. Check out his artwork here:

20 January 2013

INVADER in Thamel

Just over five years ago French street artist Invader came to Kathmandu and this is some of what he did (3 out of 28)

19 January 2013

Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Temple. Namo Buddha

The temple 
One of the 250 monks who live and study here
Un des 250 moines qui vivent et etudient au temple
One of the many Buddhas surrounding the complex
Un des nombreux boudhas tout autour 

Outside the main entrance to the sanctuary
(no photography allowed inside)

18 January 2013

Bangalore Highlights / temps forts de nos vacances a Bangalore (14-22 dec)

 Meeting white Santas
 Rencontrer des Peres-Noel blancs

 Enjoying proper South-Indian breakfasts
 Profiter des petits dej typiques du Sud de l'Inde 

Seeing Gojira in concert
Voir Gojira sur scene

Eating lots of yummy food with good friends including Pastor Vasu (his standup comedy is on youtube)
Festoyer avec de bon amis, notamment Pastor Vasu

The weather, 30degrees in December
La meteo, un max des 30 degres en Decembre
Meeting lots of Paul's friends... and having other interesting encounters
Rencontrer beaucoup d'amis de Paul... et faire d'autres rencontres interessantes

17 January 2013

Street dogs


Dhalie (meaning 'Short one' in Nepali)
Dhalie (qui veut dire 'court sur pattes' en Nepali)

Shadrack aka. Shad (we named him, check out his dreads)
 Shadrack aka. Shad (on lui a trouve ce nom, zieutez ses dreads)
Edward (also named by us) we love the grey hairs around his face

16 January 2013


Just as the sun was setting we went to one of the world's largest Stupas, Boudha.
Alors que le soleil se couchait, nous sommes alles a l'une des plus grandes Stupas au monde, Boudha.